Thursday, February 19, 2009

time for a little update!!

i've been having a hard time figuring out what i've wanted to say on my blog after i found out i was pregnant!! james looked at me on the evening of january 1st and said, "you're pregnant. go take a test." i took 3, not believing that he could tell so early on that i was preggers!! and yes, all 3 were positive. :)

only being a day late, i was kinda in shock that i really did have something growing inside of me. james and i had just started trying, and i thought that it may take some time. i am over the moon with joy, excitement, and just a tad bit of anxiety. i keep having dreams that the nursery isn't painted yet!!

it looks like i'm about 11 weeks along right now, putting my due date at september 7th. my doc told me she'd give me a better idea of how far along i am for my next visit!! right now, the baby is 4.37 cm!! i had a doc visit today, and i didn't know what it was for, so i was drinking water all morning in anticipation for another blood/urine sample. turns out, i had my first belly ultrasound!! i was incredibly sad that james wasn't there, but got tears in my eyes when i saw the baby move their feet and also when i heard the heartbeat for the first time!! the ultrasound pics also are starting to look more like a baby, and less like a slug. that's always a good thing!!

james and i had a really fun valentine's day this year!! he took me out to the cheesecake factory earlier in the week so we could really sit down and have a long conversation with yummy food. i had the apartment all decorated, and it was super cute with pink and hearts!! on valentine's day, i made him breakfast in bed. then, we drove up to muir woods and went on a very nice and relaxing hike. it was raining on and off that day, and it was wonderful to walk under these huuuuge trees and not get more than a drop or two on us here and there. it was also fun to do a loop we hadn't done before and really get away from the tourist-y area. after that, we drove to the city for some lunch, and by the time i got home, i was pooped!! i'm starting to feel a bit tired here and there, so instead of cooking james his favorite meal, we had leftovers. don't worry, i cooked it for him the next night!!

tonight, i'm off to australia for 4 weeks!! i'm pumped to be back with james' family for the time and to enjoy the beautiful weather down unda!! hopefully i'll have some more time for some better updates!! :)