Monday, March 31, 2003

You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
(all i want is you, u2)

well kiddies, i did it today. i quit my job of 2 weeks. i'm usually not a quitter, and this was a very tough decision for me to make. but i thought about it, and came to the conclusion that if i'm not happy, i need to let them know a.s.a.p. they wanted me to stick it out for 6 more months (ummm, i couldn't handle 6 more minutes!) so i told them that i'd rather not. (they'd have to keep "training" me in all the different databases so it was like, stay forever or go now.) so, prayer time, kiddies!! i hope i can get another one soon. i'm doing a good job today of applying and looking around. :)

i got this really awesome book from last week. it's called, "the bad girl's guide to getting what you want." it's hilarious...i recommend it for all girlies out there. it's very well written, and has some things you think about, but don't want to discuss with anyone. like things you'd like to do with those ugly bridesmaid dresses you have in your closet. go out and buy it already!!

my mom was in charge of getting tickets for this talk this summer, and forgot. and they were gone in like 2.5 seconds. it's always been a dream of mine to either meet him or go to a talk. :)

i was reading an article last night about this guy who was eating sushi and thought it was the coolest thing to sake bomb. but he kept talking about it all just dumping sake into beer. it's much more than that, my friend. and, i'm pretty sure it's not a *new* thing. this is how we do it.

this site is just too cool. to get in, you have to click on a certain word on the main page, then take a quiz and pass. i sort of did, and you can check out all the stuff by clicking on the link. some people just have too much time. :)

the sharks got screwed the other night. it was 4-3 with like 1 second left, and selanne shoots it and scores?? nope, they said no. this site and this one have me thinking that the officials who called this back have some 'splainin' to do!!

it's all about operation pussy galore.

a few quizzes for you:

i sorta thought i'd get "socialist" on this one
Green - You believe that small economic units
should control the goods, and that the
government should be permissive of
"victimless crimes," respectful of
civil liberties and very strict towards big
business. You also believe in either a
socialist tax structure or more power to local
communities. You think that environmental
policies should be written into law. Your
historical role model is Ralf Nader.

Which political sterotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

this one was fun.
You are Herm-Own-Ninny
you are a cute bushel with brains

Who are you in the Harry Potter or Hogwarts Universe?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, March 28, 2003

signs your ex still wants a booty call:

*he tells you that you could work for hooters

*he still thinks you are "sexy like shakira"
You no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.
--Jeannette Rankin (1880-1973), U.S. legislator.

hey hey. i'll do an update later. i wanted to share some stuff with you first. :)

i guess at least one counting crow likes cal.

ohhhhh, cool for me, maybe not for you. it's a slow earthquake.

i bet this dude is saying, "horray for helmets!!"

one cool lady.

sorry if this is inappropriate right now. i recieved this email the other day and was laughing out loud. hope you will too. :)

Have you noticed anything fishy about the inspection teams who have arrived in Iraq? They’re all men!!! How in the name of the United Nations does anyone expect men to find Saddam’s stash? We all know that men have a blind spot when it comes to finding things. For crying’ out loud! Men can’t find the dirty clothes hamper. Men can’t find the jar of jelly until it falls out of the cupboard and splatters on the floor.... and these are the people we have sent into Iraq to search for hidden weapons of mass destruction? I keep wondering why groups of mothers weren’t sent in. Mothers can sniff out secrets quicker than a drug dog can find a gram of dope. Mothers can find gin bottles that dads have stashed in the attic beneath the rafters. They can sniff out a diary two rooms and one floor away. They can tell when the lid of a cookie jar has been disturbed and notice when a quarter inch slice has been shaved off a chocolate cake. A mother can smell alcohol on your breath before you get your key in the front door and can smell cigarette smoke from a block away. By examining laundry, a mother knows more about their kids than Sherlock Holmes. And if a mother wants an answer to question, she can read an offender’s eyes quicker than a homicide detective. So... considering the value a mother could bring to an inspection team, why are we sending a bunch of old men who will rely on electronic equipment to scout out hidden threats? My mother would walk in with a wooden soup spoon in one hand, grab Saddam by the ear, give it a good twist and snap, "Young man, do you have any weapons of mass destruction?" And God help him if he tried to lie to her. She’d march him down the street to some secret bunker and shove his nose into a nuclear bomb and say, "Uh, huh, and what do you call this, mister?" Whap! Thump! Whap! Whap! Whap! And she’d lay some stripes across his bare bottom with that soup spoon, then march him home in front of the whole of Baghdad. He’d not only come clean and apologize for lying about it, he’d cut every lawn in Baghdad for free for the whole damn summer!!! Inspectors my ass... You want the job done? Call my mother.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

I really want to see you
Really want to be with you
Really want to see you lord
But it takes so long, my lord

My sweet lord
Hm, my lord
(my sweet lord, george harrison)

decision time for me. so i have enjoyed working with the people at TMW this past week...but not enjoyed the work. i know that everything i do is not going to be 100% fun or exciting, but NOTHING is as bad as this. i sit there entering numbers for 8 hours. it's pure boredom. this isn't something i'd want to do for a while, and get promoted, cause my boss is doing the same stuff i am. so i'm on the job hunt once again. it's a good thing, i'm sure. i'm just super scared about what's going to happen...can i find anything/etc. part of me feels really selfish about i should be happy that i have something that pays me. but i don't think i should be anyone's number punching bi-atch. it's like my 8th grade english teacher used to say, "make your vocation your vacation." i found a few jobs tonight...just got to clean up the ol' resume again and send it off tomorrow. and pray. lots of praying. :)

that's really all that's new with me. i'm tired so i'm gonna hit the hay. but, a pic for you before i go. it'll make you go, "awwwwwww!!" it's a white lion cub!!

nighty night. :)

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Rise up this morning
smiled with the rising sun
three little birds
pitch by my door step
singing sweet songs
of melodies pure and true
saying, this is my message to you:
don't worry about a thing
(three little birds, bob marley)

yeah, i ordered my tix for jack johnson and ben harper at the greek theatre today...did you? i was afraid that when jack johnson came back to the bay area, it would be a bigger venue than the greek which is where i saw him last. glad to see that isn't the case, because that was such a great concert.

last night my parents went to a silent auction for my cousin's school and got an adam graves signed stick. it's super cool cause it was used in a game on december 14th, a game in which he got a goal. fun times. here is a link to the game, and a picture my bro took with his phone. yes, his phone. so weird.

i'm still not sure what i want to say about this "war" that's going on right now. i don't agree with it 100%, but i don't agree with what protesters are doing, either. the ones in san francisco who are blocking traffic are really effing retarded. you're not coming off very well; you're really just causing headaches for commuters. people are late getting into work because you're dumb. do your protesting where it will make a difference. the people you're screwing are not the people who are in charge of saying it's time to go to war. don't think you're anything close to the lone man standing in front of a tank in tiananmen square, either. i found a great quote that sums up how i think the protesters are thinking: "Think globally, ruin people's day locally."

on a different note, i decided i would be a pen pal with someone stationed overseas right now. i think it could be fun times, and i even get to make a care package. something i'm very good at. :)

here's a fun site. just put your name in and funny stuff appears. like this:

Literal meaning
"It's a tiny human child."

Celebrated as the first word written with the first pencil invented in a fit of terror, the name Jeannetters was originally used chiefly to refer to the dead, before undergoing surgery by Government linguists.

Famous Jeannetterses
1. Jeannetters Ach, haunted by an image of the deckchair-cum-hat;
2. Jeannetters Millington, director of the new Bond movie, DEAD, BURIED, ARMED AND DANGEROUS;
3. Jeannetters Quoits, who lost a fortune on Elvis impersonator impersonators; first holder of the office of High Scowler;
4. Inspector Jeannetters Y Grating-Cangoose, for a time, in their own mind, romantically linked with physics; first holder of the discreetly discontinued office of Country's Most Secret Spy;
5. Jeannetters O Sponetote-Thews, belittler of Spandau Ballet;
6. Jeannetters Dindymene, PhD, RN, opponent of the self-propelled gardener;
7. Brigadier-General Jeannetters G Nootlooter-Tidecatcher, first victim of the Formidable Coat;
8. Jeannetters Frote, early user of the everlasting trouser; ghost-writer of Jerry Desmonde's bestselling autobiography, TOOT-A-TWANG-TWANG;
9. "Terrible" Jeannetters Nightdodge, indifferent to the lost consonant of Atlatis;
10. Jeannetters de la Tightbadger, proponent of the monkey cartilage gear system.

Typical Jeannetters motto
"A bird in the eye is excruciatingly painful."

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Wake up in the morning,
clock says half past one
I have no sunglasses
As I step into the sun

There's no recollection
of the evil things I've done
My head feels like I musta' had some fun
(what happened, sublime)

all righty kiddies. quick entry tonight. i'm so tired. and my eye totally hurts. it feels like i have a black eye, but it's not swollen or bruised. so weird, i know. who the hell punched me in my sleep last night??

i got to hear the cal game this morning at 9:30!! it was so freakin crazy at the end...but i'm so glad that midgley got the shot. he's adorable. and dick vitale (sp??) thinks they can beat oklahoma?? i love my bears, but i dunno about that. i really really hope they do...that would be so awesome!!

so this guy at work today walks in my cube and says, "helen hunt" and walks out. i think, "what, he thinks i look like helen hunt?" and he peeked his head back in and was like, "that's it. it's been bugging me. you are helen hunt. you look just like her." wtf?? someone else a few years ago also said this. they were drunk at the time, and it was a lot funnier. i just see her with blonde hair, me with brown...she had a giant forehead (while mine is a bit on the smaller side)...she has these weird eyes...i dunno. i think i'm totally not like her. maybe because i don't really like her as an actress, so i don't want to seem associated to her at all. anyway, let me know what you think. honestly.

a few links for ya: i meant to put this up the other day, but didn't have the time. yeah, great freakin timing. let's trade the whole damn team and THEN fire the gm. brilliant.

a cool pic from the other day. i can't believe that people actually painted on it, though. that's taking it a BIT too far.

want to know what a clown looks like?

what princesses do in their spare time.

and mmmmmmm, your moment of zen. he's swell.

Monday, March 17, 2003

may the road rise to meet you.
may the wind be always at your back.
may the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rains fall soft upon your fields.
and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
(old irish benediction)

hot damn!! it's st. patrick's day. yesterday, i went over to my aunt's for corned beef and cabbage. mmmmmm, the corned beef was sooo freakin good. and, while i was over there, i got a present for my cubicle at work!! my sisters put together a picture collage of all the pictures of the 3 of us at the lair together. it's so cute...and what a beautiful frame. thanks, girlies!!

today was also my first day at work. let me just say that the girls in my area are so much fun. i don't really work with them a whole lot, we just work in the same area. the first thing i did when i got there was get pulled into getting breakfast and sitting (gasp!!) on the pool table chatting. yeah, i know...major faux pas. i actually didn't sit because i felt it was a sin. but work was really good today, and i'm starting to slowly understand all the millions of new words/spreadsheets/phrases/etc that come with a new job. i also got a plant delivered from my other aunt today. i feel so loved. :)

well, that's all outta me...i need to finish emailing some foolios and get into some jammies and relax!! i might have a guinness in the fridge...score for today!!

if you don't know much about st. patrick's day, i direct you here.

going with the whole green theme today, here's an article about mark mulder.

i wish they would have had this class at uc davis.

some fun irish quotes that i have in my quote journal.
*may the grass grow long on the road to hell for want of use. (irish saying)
*dance as if no one were watching, love as though you have never been loved before, sing as if no one could hear you, and live as though heaven were on earth. (irish proverb)
*may your glass be full, may the roof over your head be always stong. and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead. (irish drinking toast)
*here's to the health of your enimies' enimies. (irish drinking toast)
*may those who love us, love us. and those that don't love us, may God turn their hearts. and if He doesn't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles, so we'll know them by their limping. (irish curse)

and, your moment of zen. happy st. patrick's day, everyone!! erin go bragh!!

Saturday, March 15, 2003

and the kid is not my son (the sonoma mix, baby!!)

first, i must say, "beware, the ides of march!!"

oh goodness. the fun i had in davis...whoa. it had been forever since i had seen kassey and megan. kassey got me this crazy shirt for st. patty's day and i wore it last night. it's green and says, "irish pride" on it. it's totally something i can see a 13 year-old wearing, but i can get away with it. or so i think. :) but thanks, because you know it's my fav holiday!! on with more fun...kass and i went out to dinner and then a few of us headed over to jarrod's for a little college life shindig *with* alcohol. now all of you know that i'm a drinker, but there aren't too many that drink as much as i do AND are also a part of college life. it was just weird to go to a party where people i know who used to look at me weird for going to bars when i was a bible study leader attempt a jell-o shot. and what was funnier was how the jell-o shots were made. hello, do i need to teach a class on this??

what was the funniest point in the evening would have to be seeing the ex. can't he be normal for like 5 seconds? i mean, it was SUPER that he was the one who answered the door as we walked in...but can't he just be a man and not freak out when i'm talking to other people? damn. i did talk to him for a bit, and he was so retarded. hee hee. but i had a great time drinking with the girlies and laughin it up.

today, i went to the farmer's market (no rest for the wicked) and to sonoma with k-to-the-ass and meg. i even made a mix for it. i think i had too much time on my hands this morning. :) after that, i visted kelly and molly. poor kelly. she's having surgery on thursday cause she tore her acl playing lacrosse!! i got her some flowers to cheer her crazy spring break for her. and molly, thanks for the pix!! but you know i really enjoyed seeing you with conor famulener and joe shipp. the fun doesn't stop there, you have to have one with kyle boller, too!! you are too much, my friend!!

and some links before i turn on snl. this "chick" rules because she wrote about something i can never talk about. guys just freak out, i don't know why. i don't feel like i'm competing with them with stats or even basic information about a sport. they just get pissed when girls know more, and all of a sudden the smart girl turns into a bitch. and, i'm gonna go a bit girly on you...just so it doesn't seem like i'm trying to be bitchy. horray for mark mulder!! he's the one sort of standing in the pic. i'm including this for my viewing pleasure, and to make it seem like all i do is look at baseball player's butts all day. that's all girls do. we don't talk sports. okay, that's enough outta me. peace out, yo!

Thursday, March 13, 2003

bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce START THE FUCKING SONG bounce bounce bounce bounce (bounce, system of a down...the live version...this is for erik!!)

yeah, horray for not working yet!! i spent today visiting my daddy in sf. i haven't been back to where i used to work (back in the day...geez, what a long time ago) in a while, or had him take me out to lunch!! for those who don't know, we used to work in the same building. :) he took me out to lunch at kuleto's and then we headed off to the light opera gallery to get moms a beautiful bowl. i really can't describe what we got (translate: what i picked out and daddy bought) but try to imagine the most beautiful night sky, not totally dark, but with some medium blues. then, the stars are tiny silver dots. this is the inside of the bowl. oh my...if you stop by my house soon, check it out. after that, we headed over to williams-sonoma and i got a pink mixer!! really, click on that link and check out the mixer. it's rad for 2 reasons. first, it's pink!! second, w.-s. donates $50 to breast cancer. horray!! i also picked up a few pink spatulas and some pink and white hand towels. trust me, i got out of there super quick. they were trying to sell me EVERYTHING pink. but horray, now i can cook with pink!!

what the heck is up with this? i'm glad i live in a country where the stones can play whatever they want. :)

and, your moment of zen. my good friend rebecca gave me some advice the other day. credit goes to her friend...but really to rebecca for telling it to me. "life is like a penis, true pleasure comes only after it gets hard."

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Isn't anyone tryin to find me?
Won't somebody come take me home
(i'm with you, avril lavigne...yeah, kassey, are you impressed?? i have tie-girl on my blog!!)

howdy everyone. just wanted to send a few links you way. not too much is happening today. i'm enjoying my last week as a free woman. woohoo!! i'm doing fun stuff like baking cookies, going to sf, and davis!! quickly, i want to give a shout-out to kassey...i can't wait to hang out on friday. so much fun stuff to update...i promise!!

first, i'd like to point out that mr. knight isn't all bad. i'd like to see this more often, from players as well. :)

and a little martha stewart update since it's been a while. sell when it goes under $60...that's my story, i swear!!

i took this from dave barry's blog. it's really nasty. if you are weak of stomach, like kassey, don't read it!! but for others, i dunno. too weird to pass up. it reminds me of cky when they say, "you never see a guy taking a shit while running down the street." it's sort of like, "you never see a guy who wants to have his feet all effed up."

and horray another polar bear picture!! yeah!! :)

and REBECCA!! i forgot your quote last night!! email it to me and i'll put it up on my next entry. ow ow!!

Monday, March 10, 2003

so yes, usually i have a song in my head. and i type the lyrics here. not tonight. and i have a few links. not tonight. i'm far too tired to write about stuff right now. (wow, such big words, and such extraordinary prose...)

i just wanted to tell erik: thanks. i'm officially not getting any sleep since you told me about seeing people in a mirror and then not seeing them when you turn around. that's effin scary.

but not as scary as daniel calling me, and finding out that will ferrell and jake johannsen are going to be on the late show on THE SAME NIGHT. coincidence? i hope so.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

so i just read this and am screaming. really, ask my fam. i am going to kick that dumb gm if i ever see him.
When you call my name it's like a little prayer
I'm down on my knees, I wanna take you there
In the midnight hour I can feel your power
Just like a prayer you know I'll take you there
(like a prayer, madonna)

hello, hello!! i decided that i didn't want to mention this until now because i was afraid that i'd jinx myself. i got a call early wednesday morning from the men's wearhouse asking if i could come in on friday morning. i'm thinking that this has got to be another interview (or really, the FIRST interview!!) or good news. i don't think they'd call me in to tell me i didn't have the job. i went in on friday, met the guy who is the boss of my boss and then got offered a job!! horray for me. i am excited to be working (i actually don't start till st. patrick's day) which sounds funny. i have enjoyed my extended break, but am ready to be makin some money. it is soooo cool...all the ladies that work around my cube are so nice already. one lady was like, "i told them to hire you cause you were a swimmer!!" i guess i still had on my resume that i was the captain of the swim team in high school. hahahahahahah.

a few links before i do some collaging today. the first one is...awwwwww...a polar bear. and if anyone remembers (i used to do it a lot more my early days in college) i like to make sounds like: roar!! such a cute picture.

and hello. this woman is just stupid. hello, you gave permission to do this so you wouldn't have to go to jail. did you think that this photo would make you look GOOD?

a few links for those who like a good chuckle. the first is a streaker story. and this is like "the onion" but for sports. enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

whoops, i crapped my pants. anyone remember that snl commercial??

seriously, i just did. i read this and started crying. not because i have crap in my pants, but because i'm sad. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. dumb sharks. maybe it'll be for the better...only time will tell.
Where do we go nobody knows?
I've gotta say I'm on my way down
God give me style and give me grace
God put a smile upon my face
(god put a smile upon your face, coldplay)

ahhhhhhhhh, so i'm giving up soda for lent. again. i tried it last year, and went to 7-11 the MINUTE that lent was over. no joke. i got the biggest cup i could, and filled that bad boy up with mountain dew. yummmmm. but yes...the cravings went up after lent last year. hopefully it will have a different result this year. soda is just something that i've grown to love in the last few years. i think it's because when i lived on my own, i knew i could buy it whenever i wanted. it's not something that my mom had sitting around the house when i was little. and it's not like i drink it everyday or anything. but if i'm bored, i'll go grab one. so no more soda for 40 days!! horray...i think.

a few links for everyone. first, is my hot hot boy, mark mulder. i really shouldn't say, "mine" since we haven't met. but one day, my friend. maybe i'm going after the wrong a's lefty. i read in espn (the magazine) that barry zito takes a bright pink pillow with him on road trips. :)

two studies from uc davis...what what!! the first is about: it's not who you're with, but who you are. interesting. the second is about people feeling happier when they feel grateful.

this last one is really cause i think polar bears are cute.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

It's not the honors and not the titles and not the power that is of ultimate importance. It's what resides inside.
- Fred Rogers

i always remember really enjoying mr. roger's neighborhood because he told us that we are unique, and our own person, and people will like us for who we are. i hope that future generations will be able to see his message and hold it true in their hearts. :)

erik and i have come up with a new factor for sports. it's called, "the braces factor." sort of thought up by erik, and expanded and named by me. :) we were watching a mlb game where the american and national leagues were actually playing softball. some retard playing actually has the balls to say, "yeah, we all have so much athletic ability." which was hilarious because everyone who got a hit, just walked on over to first, and maybe over to second if the infielder made an error. yeah, pretty athletic. but the guy who said it had braces on. this is where "the braces factor" comes into play. what other sport can you have braces on and still be able to play the game without getting your face torn up? basketball...not really. football, yeah right. hockey. oh good lord, maybe if you want to donate blood. so there you have it. as much as i like baseball, i don't watch it for "athletic ability." i watch for mark mulder. muahahahahahahahah...

speaking of sports, i saw the cal's men basketball game today. horray for them!! i love watching the last home game, cause it's really special for all the seniors. i really liked how they all got to start (even though bruan said it wasn't a token start) and how donte smith got to go in at the end!! fun times...

after that, we went over to my neighbor's house to give their daughter an engagement present. my daddy actually picked it out, and did a great job...for being a boy. i guess it's a mainly southern tradition, but i've seen people do it here...but for an engagement present, you give them a tea cup. and when you come over later to visit for tea, they serve you out of that cup. my dad picked out this beautiful one from faberge. i think he was having too much fun at gumps, though...the lady was showing him place settings that were $4000 EACH.

did anyone watch the second simpsons tonight?? i didn't know it was a repeat, and so excited to learn homer's email address: i was even more excited to see that he had a profile!! i had my dad email, but the box was already full. i guess that it had aired on january 12, so it wasn't really new or anything. "homer" (actually a exec for the show) has tried to answer all of them like homer would!! how funny!!

all right, a few links for ya before i go. can you imagine the nerve of someone practicing geology without a license? hee hee...sounds like me. :) what the crap is this madness? am i not being a true christian by accepting my phone number which ends in 666?

and, your moment of zen. brought to you by homer simpson. "i might even have you look after bart and maggie. i'll go super dad on their asses."