Monday, March 31, 2003

You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
(all i want is you, u2)

well kiddies, i did it today. i quit my job of 2 weeks. i'm usually not a quitter, and this was a very tough decision for me to make. but i thought about it, and came to the conclusion that if i'm not happy, i need to let them know a.s.a.p. they wanted me to stick it out for 6 more months (ummm, i couldn't handle 6 more minutes!) so i told them that i'd rather not. (they'd have to keep "training" me in all the different databases so it was like, stay forever or go now.) so, prayer time, kiddies!! i hope i can get another one soon. i'm doing a good job today of applying and looking around. :)

i got this really awesome book from last week. it's called, "the bad girl's guide to getting what you want." it's hilarious...i recommend it for all girlies out there. it's very well written, and has some things you think about, but don't want to discuss with anyone. like things you'd like to do with those ugly bridesmaid dresses you have in your closet. go out and buy it already!!

my mom was in charge of getting tickets for this talk this summer, and forgot. and they were gone in like 2.5 seconds. it's always been a dream of mine to either meet him or go to a talk. :)

i was reading an article last night about this guy who was eating sushi and thought it was the coolest thing to sake bomb. but he kept talking about it all just dumping sake into beer. it's much more than that, my friend. and, i'm pretty sure it's not a *new* thing. this is how we do it.

this site is just too cool. to get in, you have to click on a certain word on the main page, then take a quiz and pass. i sort of did, and you can check out all the stuff by clicking on the link. some people just have too much time. :)

the sharks got screwed the other night. it was 4-3 with like 1 second left, and selanne shoots it and scores?? nope, they said no. this site and this one have me thinking that the officials who called this back have some 'splainin' to do!!

it's all about operation pussy galore.

a few quizzes for you:

i sorta thought i'd get "socialist" on this one
Green - You believe that small economic units
should control the goods, and that the
government should be permissive of
"victimless crimes," respectful of
civil liberties and very strict towards big
business. You also believe in either a
socialist tax structure or more power to local
communities. You think that environmental
policies should be written into law. Your
historical role model is Ralf Nader.

Which political sterotype are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

this one was fun.
You are Herm-Own-Ninny
you are a cute bushel with brains

Who are you in the Harry Potter or Hogwarts Universe?
brought to you by Quizilla

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