Monday, January 13, 2003

You've got lock and key
Every part of me
Know what makes me tick
I love it when you lick
(lick, joi from the xXx song for this moment in the movie)

this is a special post to my *stalker* that i will call, "homer" since he thinks he runs a snow plow company called, "mr. plow." so he's not really a stalker (or so he claims) which is good news. although my last stalker left me roses, and that's always a good thing. (sorry, i'm martha stewart for life, you're all over it.) so if you're really confused right now, check out the shout-out for 1/10 and that should update you to this point.

i should also mention that "homer" doesn't know me that well. i'm a defensive little M.F. nobody talks bad about my irv-town. i never ever said anything about their football team. good lord, they suck. i could have been on the o. line if i wanted to, they sucked that bad. but's all about irv-town, my friend. best ghetto school in freakmont. better than that cheater school, mission. hee hee. i'm only kidding. i feel love for all freakmont schools. everyone i've met in davis who knows someone in freakmont always asks if i know so-and-so from mission. i love everyone. :)

but seriously, who are you? we've met a few times? i think this is jackson...playing an evil trick on me. but alas, i need to earn another point with "homer." what to mention, what to mention?? well, i have no beef with mission, so that should be counted as neutral. oh well. i'm not clever.

a quick link for you fools. seems the people in bend, oregon have too much free time on their hands if they find time to make laws like this. but nobody likes sitting next to the smelly guy on the bus.

peace out, yo...

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