Tuesday, December 13, 2005

no, don't blame the kids, blame yourselves for going into debt!! when will people take responsibility for their actions?? spoiling your children only hurts them in the long run. who do you think is going to take care of these debt-ridden parents when they are 77, and needing money to pay for medication?? not their spoiled-ass kids!! they won't be used to taking care of someone else.

now, i don't believe all children are being raised this way today; but it is a trend that is becoming all too common. my parents had enough money to buy me a car, but they knew that there was an important lesson in letting me figure out car payments, insurance, and gas. i heartily thank them for teaching me responsibility and debt. it frustrates me that some people my age aren't learning this and keep piling on thousands and thousands of dollars of debt each year. (and i'm not talking about student loans or medical bills.)

*steps off of soapbox*

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