Monday, December 26, 2005

You men have no idea what we're dealing with down
there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction,
and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down,
moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy?
Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'.
(samantha's hilarious observation from an episode of sex and the city)

i've been watching sex and the city lately...and i apologize for the graphic quote. it just made me laugh out loud, and i felt like sharing. and, it's my blog and i can do what i want!!

man, christmas was so much fun this year!! the best christmas, EVAH!! i think bean coming down to hang out with the family was what made it the greatest. last year was hard without him, and it was so much fun with him here this time. luckily, he had met almost everyone in the family, so it wasn't too overwhelming with new people. we all had a great day and i was so spoiled with all the presents i recieved.

it's sort of ironic that i hate the whole materialism of christmas, but yet i LOVE giving people gifts. i honestly had fun getting people presents and there's so much joy when someone opens something that i've gotten them. i think it's because i'm so impatient and i bounce up and down for days, just waiting for people to open their gifts.

back to me being spoiled, holy cow!! i had a huge stack of presents, with lots of pink stuff!! woohoo!! i always feel sort of awful after i'm carrying my haul upstairs because it seems like so much. arg. i do try to donate more around this time of year, and buy some for those less fortunate. i dunno, it's something i struggle with a bit, i 'spose.

anyway, i should get back to tv...the sharkies are on!! tomorrow is my day of packing my car, and i'm leaving for canada on wednesday morning!! woohoo!! canada or bust. eh. :)

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