Thursday, April 13, 2006

there was the most beautiful rainbow out during the sunrise this morning!! it was great because it was raining in the distance, and the sky was purple, pink, and orange. it looked like one giant yummy bowl of rainbow sherbet!! then in the distance, there was a rainbow that looked wider than usual. it was really stretched and made me smile and not pay attention to the road as i was driving. ekkkks!!

in other news, the sharkies clinched a playoff spot!! now it's a waiting game to see who they play. i'm going to at least one more sharks game this year. we'll see if i'm lucky enough to get playoff tickets. monday's game should be fun times since it's fan appreciation day. add another "BEAT LA" towel to my collection.

and i just read an article talking about how we, as americans, need to "brace ourselves" at the thought of paying $3.00 for gas this summer. looking outside of my office, there's a chevron across the street, and it's $3.00 already. crap. i didn't brace myself for that. am i going to mutate or something??

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