Monday, May 15, 2006

this message does not go out to all sharks fans, but a small chunk of them at the game last night.

first, never, ever boo for the opposing team's national anthem. i do not care that edmonton did it at their last home game. do not stoop to their level. did you forget that a majority of the players on the sharks are FROM CANADA?? yeah, it's true. how do you think they feel when you're booing THEIR national anthem?? lame. for the record, i starting singing, "o canada" and people around me followed because they were embarassed for the booing.

second, you may NOT call yourself a sharks fan if you left the game early last night. you may NEVER call yourself a hockey fan if you were one of the ones that got up IN THE MIDDLE OF PLAY and blocked my view. i don't care if the sharks are losing by 10, i'm staying. that does not mean that you may obstruct my view because you're a fairweather fan who drinks 7 beers a game and probably doesn't know what a two line pass is. it's people like you that give fans a bad name, and you should not be allowed back into hp pavillion.

all right...deep breath. hee hee!! just a little rant...i'm over it. sort of. :)

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