Sunday, June 18, 2006

I took a little nap where the roots all twist
squished a rotten peach in my fist
and dreamed about you woman
I poked my finger down inside make a little room for an ant to hide
nature's candy in my hand or can or pie
(peaches, presidents of the united states of america)

i love love love summah time. it means peaches, nectarines, melons, strawberries, and raspberries!! all straight from the fridge so they're incredibly refreshing after i have been in the sun. omgomgomg, i honestly think eating fresh, cold fruit on a beautiful day is heaven on earth!!

i took the pops to see nacho libre today and it was pretty sweet. i totally want to marry someone sexy like nacho and have little ninos with him. "little hug, big kiss..." hee hee!!

all right, time to clean up my room a bit. i actually bought a few things for myself yesterday...cute little organizing things for my desk...and i have decided that's my "prize" for cleaning up. i feel like i'm 5 again, but it's good motivation!! and, it helps to make a game out of it since i haven't bought much for myself lately and feel guilty. it's not like i went out and blew a few hundred bucks on a's only a few things for my desk and a cute notebook!! :)

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