Sunday, June 04, 2006

Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh so tight
Show me, that you love me too

Put your lips next to mine,dear
Won't you kiss me once, baby
Just a kiss goodnight, maybe
You and I will fall in love
(put your head on my shoulder, michael buble)

this weekend was so much fun!! i had a great time at the a's game right after work on friday with merin, lauren and king!! i think it was the first baseball game i went to that i pretty much missed every play. it was great to cheer for the a's now and then, but really fun to catch up and giggle with the girls!! i also get really excited to see my friends in love, happy, and treated well. it's hard not to feel a twinge of jealousy, but i am still so happy that they've found love. :)

saturday was another a's game (cause i'm a superfan like that) with erik and his buds for his birthday. i want to mention how much i *love* stomper dancing before the game starts. only in oakland can a mascot get down like that. but yes, i had a great time baking in the sun munching on nachos. i'm so easy to please. after that, we hung out at chili's and the day was over!!

today was landon's SECOND birthday. omg. it was already two years ago when i saw that little squit pop out of stacy!! i'm becoming one of those people who's like, "i remember when..."!!! eek!! he's totally cute, running around with a mohawk and rub on tats. like the cool armband ones. it's adorable and a half. and, i was so happy to see michelle and talk to her for the first time since she announced she's preggers!! it's fascinating to see my family expanding. michelle and j.j. are going to be the greatest parents.

i am pooped from being in the sun all weekend and walking a ton!! but it made me a dark berry with better muscle tone. i shouldn't complain!! now it's time for a nice relaxing bath and then bed. sigh, and as i type this, there's a beautiful sunset. the blue sky is a perfect light shade with a little bit of lavendar and light pink. it's amazing and incredible and i can't believe i get to see new ones each day. a special present from god, that's for sure. :)

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