Friday, July 07, 2006

You've got such a pretty smile.
It's a shame the things you hide behind it.
Let em go give it up for a while...
Let em free and we will both go find it.

I know there's no where you can hide it.
I know the feeling of alone.
I know that you do not feel invited,
But come back, come back in from the cold.
(i know, jude)

i totally forgot to mention that at the lair there were a few afternoon thunderstorms!! i was a bit afraid because the last time they were that loud, lightning hit like 50' away from where i was...outside!! eeeeeekkk!! i get so excited about thunder when i'm inside and safe; it's such a fun turn of events when you're outside. i don't think it was any closer than 15 miles from us, but it sure did get my heart racin!! i secretly loved it!! <3

on a slightly more serious note, please keep my friends chris and jordan in your thoughts and prayers. chris is getting a new kidney from jordan and that's happening today!! i'm so happy for chris finally getting one and for jordan for donating his!!! thanks everyone...and enjoy your friday!! :)

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