Monday, October 30, 2006

Love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
(yesterday, the beatles)

hee hee, so i forgot to mention my funny story from friday. i wore my super cool CANADA track jacket to work because i am that awesome. i guess it looks like i'm officially canadian or something an olympian would wear because someone asked me about it. this guy walking next to me said, "what team are you on?" why oh why did i allow myself to reply, but i told him, "the cuddling team." he nodded and kept on walking, maybe thinking i said curling.

wow, why do i say such random things?? so yeah, i'm officially on the canadian cuddling team. cause, you know, it's cold in canadia-land. what else are you going to do up there?? :)

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