Saturday, December 02, 2006

Oh, they had a little party down in Newport;
There was Harry, there was Mary, there was Grace.
Oh, they had a little party down in Newport,
And they had to carry Harry from the place.
(cal drinking song)

my goodness...what a long and tiring day!! having a big game at noon seems to be too early for football for me, but i was still in berkeley cheering my bears on to victory!! it wasn't a pretty win, but still a very typical big game in that you never know what's going to happen.

i got to finally take my pic with oski!! i've wanted to do that since i was a little girl, and i was sooo happy and shy when i got the opportunity to. the funny thing is that this person in the costume now is younger than me, but i still got caught up in it being oski. i am such a nut.

the game itself was pretty fast and very crazy. i'm super happy that cal won. after, i sort of marched around with my fam who was marching alongside the band. i was not expecting to do so much walking and my pooooor feeties/ankles are killing me!! thank goodness for advil. i'm sure i'll be feeling the brunt of it tomorrow. :(

but for the most part, i had a great time running into the million lair people, enjoying the big game spirit, and enjoying my first weekend off from my new job. i will give you all a personal update on what's going on since there's a pretty strict blogging policy at work. i don't know exactly what i'm allowed to blog about, although it would probably just be all the benefits. those are what keep me happy. anyway, time to elevate mah ankles!! night!!

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