Saturday, August 18, 2007

hello to the world!!

i'll give you all a quick update as james and i are soon taking off to the coast for a fun realxing day!! two days ago, we went for a nice walk about a block from where he lives to see some kangaroos!! yes, there's a really great park with some hills where kangaroos hang out!! we got semi-close to them and james got some great pictures which i'll have to link up here later on.

so i haven't been spooked by riding in a car along the WRONG side of the road yet. in fact, i think i've been pretty good about figuring out which lane james should turn into when he's driving. the odd part is walking across the street because you tend to look the wrong way, and are wondering why in the hell a 3 month old is driving the car and then you realize that the baby is the passenger and the driver is sitting in the other seat!! hahahahahahha!! :)

after we went for a walk, cathy, james, and i all went to get us some meat pies!! they're cute little baby pies filled with meat. i got two cause i wanted to try a few different ones, and i felt a little hungry. tee hee!! i got a chicken with pea (which was really beef and pea) and a cottage pie. that's gangsta for shepherd's pie. they're really yummy and i can't believe that more people don't eat them in the u.s. i know we've got chicken pot pie, but you think we'd think of using other meat since they're SOOOO yummy!!

speaking of food, one thing i do miss is fruit. i know that it's winter here, but i miss the sweet sweet taste of fruit. james and i walked into a woolworths (yeah, they've still got them here) and bought some the other day. it's fun to see stuff imported from cali. :)

anyway, after our meat-fest, we headed off to all bar nun to meet up with james' dad after a long week of work for him. i was feeling a bit tired, and not ready to drink, but it's funny as you walk into a bar. you smell the yummy food and sweet sweet beer and you HAVE to have some!! i was trying to be a rockstar and keep up with james, and that was possibly the worst idea EVER. it did make for some entertaining times when we got home. i apparently thought pretty highly of myself and told elizabeth that i was the bomb dot com. and explained it was "evident by everything i do." oh my gosh. at least i was JUST silly. tee hee!!

yesterday we went to james' uncle misha's house where we had a really yummy bbq thanks to his uncle and aunt kim. they had a great house just a few miles away in banks on a little hill. there was TONS of food to eat, and it was great going for a long walk after that. it sort of reminded me of the mission area in fremont...with the houses close to the hills, and going for a nice walk around. :)

today, james and i are heading off to the coast for a day to explore and take some great photos. i'll have another update in a day or two. i hope you're having a fun day wherever you are!! :)

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