Sunday, September 14, 2008

I don't feel the sun's comin' out today
It's staying in, it's gonna find another way.
As I sit here in this misery,
I don't think I'll ever, no lord, see the sun from here.
And oh as I fade away,
They'll all look at me and say, and they'll say,
"Hey look at him, I'll never live that way."
But that's okay, they're just afraid to change.
(change, blind melon)

all right, kiddies. big big changes on my blog today!! for the past 6 years, i've been using a template that jackson was so kind enough to create for me. sorry jax, but it's time for an upgrade. thanks for helping me find the perfect shade of pink years ago!! the old blog was a beauty, but it was time for an overhaul.

i might have a few more minor changes as i add/delete settings. also, all the old comments are gone, so it's time to start over and tell me how you really feel!! :)


Anonymous said...

Love it!!
Perfect for where you are in life. It's good to know you are so happy!!

Jackson said...

This looks way better, I approve of the change.

Jeannette said...

hi laurie!! thanks for the love!! do you still blog? send me the link if you do...i've somehow misplaced it. :(

jackson, i am very happy to hear that you approve of the changes!! i took a screen shot of the old page, so i'll have it forever!! :)

Anonymous said...

No, I haven't had my blog for some time. Life is good though and I'm very happy.

I'm an Office fan myself, BTW!

Jeannette said...

of course you are, you have the best sense of humor, ever!! i didn't get into that show until a few months ago, and rented all the old seasons and watched them all at once.

i was so sad once i got to the end...i need my pamela fix!! someone at work said i should be here for halloween. although i'm not sure people would totally understand my costume at first. :)