Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Beauty's where you find it
Not just where you bump and grind it
(vogue, madonna)

i just giggle to the above lyrics. oh man, and all this time i was thinking that beauty was where i was bumpin and grindin it. i'm such a slut. thanks for setting me straight, madonna!!

today was fun times cause i got to watch my little cousin. who calls me her sister. awwwwww. yes, adorable. but i had to wake up super early to take her to daycare in the morning, and her mom to work. well, it didn't qualify as waking up since i never went to sleep last night. what's up with that?? i did not like playing princess and the pea. usually if i can't go to sleep, i'll just get so tired of lying there that i'll eventually fall asleep. at least when i came home i took a good long nap. i guess i wasn't really awake when i went to pick my cousin up, because i looked in my car and noticed a car seat in the back and FREAKED OUT. my head had this conversation: "jeannette, when did you have a baby?" "wait, quiet down, you didn't have one....there's a reasonable explanation...oh yes, it's your cousin's!!" i swear i'm freakin retarded. but you can't call me that. only i'm allowed to say it. :)

but hangin with the cuz was fun times. the only time she was trying my nerves was when i was trying to get her p.j.'s on. she's running around the house, and i'm calmly asking her to sit in one place. she stops, gets an evil look in her eye, takes off all her clothes as fast as she can, and screams, "i'm the fastest woman alive!!" and freakin runs circles around me. i started giggling of course...so much for trying to be firm with that kid. :)

and a link for ya if you get bored tonight. it's a list of family camps that they think are pretty coolio. number 2 on the list is the one i went to as a 6th grader for science camp, then was a counselor there in high school. the lair is number 13...wtf?? it's number one in my heart, and that's all that matters. and you can get a latte there?? hmmmmm, the best i found was pete's coffee. but still, horray!!

this is martha stewart, signing off...it's collaging time

wait....i have one more link for ya. holla back at marshall. i guess we can't vote for him anymore. sad times. but i'm posting this link to prove that i knew him before he became a famous rock star. :)

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