Thursday, October 05, 2006

and on the walls
shadows play
twilight souls
anguished ways
lost adrift
severed seas
i await you
come to me
(the bazaar, the tea party)

the sharkies are playing right now and i'm soooo happy!! they introduced all the players playing tonight at the tank, and erik and i were so pumped to see vlasic!! we saw him against van, and loved calling him pickle boy. you can imagine my excitement when i saw him playing tonight, and at the tender age of 19!! the only way to make that any cooler was seeing which number he was wearing. yes, sucka...44!!

not a whole heck of a lot is new with me. i'm trying to keep my ankles extra warm to see if that helps the achiness. i'm not sure it's helping, but it's always good to be extra cuddled up!! uhhh, what else. i gave blood on saturday, donated my hair yesterday...who wants a kidney?? :)

and on that note, i bring you your moment of zen. brought to you by the beautiful rebecca. i told her i had to donate at least 10 inches of hair. this was her reply: Never heard a complaint about an extra 10 inches. athankyouverymuch.

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