Tuesday, August 11, 2009

guess who's back.
back again.

ah yes, my cyst is back. i suppose, tell a friend!! sorry, i guess i have eminem stuck in my head. :)

my wonderful and lovely cyst has made a 5th visit during my pregnancy which was quite a bit more than i was hoping for!! the odd part is that it's not a pregnancy related thing, but usually happens to men around the 18-24 age. i suppose that once you have it, since it's likely to come back so often, it's not like i should complain about how many times it's returned since i haven't had the major surgery yet.

i was in quite a bit of discomfort on friday evening while at a dinner party, and found it once james and i returned home. i was really upset at the time, crying and saying, "i don't have time for this now!!" ahahahahhahaha, oh pregnancy hormones, how you make me giggle (later on)!! i was dealing with finishing loan docs, organizing all of patrick's wonderful presents from friends, trying to sort our painters for our new condo, and figuring out when we could actually move in. i didn't want anymore on my plate!! unless it was a cupcakes, but that's a different story...

the whole weekend felt wasted since i couldn't walk or sit for very long. you really have to be laying on your side to not experience total pain. it's also very difficult to be 8 months pregnant and experiencing this. you already feel uncomfortable because no position you sit or lay in feels good. you feel pressure from this child inside of you who has dropped. you can't breathe even though said child has dropped. you can't eat a whole lot at once sitting since your tummy is all squished up inside of you. all of a sudden, these pregnancy symptoms/pain/discomfort feel like NOTHING compared to the ache at the bottom of my spine.

last night was by far the worst day i've had pain wise. ever. in my life. i've had other surgeries where they've given me vicodin and morphine for pain management. if you are late on those doses, you really start to feel it, but last night was 10 times worse, and i could only take 2 tylenol every 6 hours. i will spare you the details of what happened, but the pain is away!! i went to the doc today to possibly have a quick surgery, but thank jesus that it was not required.

my hopes and prayers for this situation are that it doesn't return, and i'm able to go these next few weeks without pain, or it flaring up again. it seems to be setting in faster and more hardcore with each visit. the good news is that once patrick is born, i will be able to be put under and have the more major surgery to totally remove it. i am looking forward to that day, and thank everyone for their warm emails, and for keeping me in your prayers!! xoxoxo!!


kassaundra said...

oh no!!!! im so sorry!

Unknown said...

Sounds absolutely horrible :(

I hope you feel better soon Jeannette.

Rebecca said...

I'm so sorry. What is the cyst? Do you know why you have it? I hope you feel better and that you can get some relief!

Jeannette Ring said...

thanks for the love, all!!

the cyst is a random thing that usually dudes get, and i'm not sure why i have it. must be the luck of the irish!!