Friday, February 07, 2003

Return to me
Cara mia ti amo
Solo tu, solo tu
Solo tu, solo tu
Mi amour
(return to me, dean martin)

not that i really want anyone to return to me. hahahahahahahah. dean martin is just freakin awesome when he busts this out.

well kiddies, it's friday, must be time to head on up to davis. tonight is hanging with the ROOM-ie (kelly m.) and tomorrow is the rugby game vs cal. i don't know who i'll be cheering for since i know fools on both teams. but fun times since bezerkeley kids are makin the treck up. hopefully i'll be home before saturday night. i don't know if i can live through a hardcore lair party right now.

damn, i go there a lot. i think i might be od'ing on davis. i'll have to stop going for a while. which brings me to this next point: do i want to live in davis? i would say yes and no. yes, especially right now at this very moment, because all my cool friends live there. but what happens when they leave?? i love the town so much, though so that would be another reason to stay. and i would say that my number one reason not to live there would be that all my sports teams would be that much farther away. i feel like i'm in the middle right now, san jose, oakland, sf, and berkeley are all around me. which is a BIG reason for me to stay. and, again, what happens when all my friends move away?

probably the only reason i really want to live in davis vs fremont right now is rent. it's a lot cheaper in davis. some nights i feel like i need to be out on my own. i think, "what the hell am i doing with my life? i'm still living with mommy and daddy." but is there a whole lot wrong with that statement? my parents don't care and think it's a good way for me to save money right now. that's a lie, i know they keep me around for comic relief.

okay, enough of me ranting. you're probably not even reading this far anymore. for those that did, i have a few links for ya. the UN is stupid and should worry about other things. and, is this fool retarded? didn't he read any harry potter books? hello, he uses an invisibility cloak. i'm sorry. and, because we all need a moment of "awwwwww" in our day: click here. that's all i could find right now. no super-fun links. boohoo. leave me some love.

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